Turkish teachers and schools in the eyes of refugee students
political socialisation, political participation, voting behaviour, brain drain, high-skilled Turkish migrantsAbstract
This study aimed to reveal how refugee students think about their Turkish teachers and schools through art. This study was done using an art based research method, proposed as a way of analysis by Mullen (2003) and Huss and Cwikel (2005). The study was carried out with 25 refugee students from two primary schools in the central city of Denizli in the 2017-2018 academic years. During the study, the students were asked to draw a picture of a teacher on one side of a paper and draw a picture of a school on another side of the paper. Later, students, who can speak Turkish, were asked to say a phrase about the school and teacher concepts. Phrases and drawings of the refugee children about the image of their teacher and school show us that these students have positive opinions about their teachers and schools.
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