Is Temporary Protection Eternal? The Future of Temporary Protection Status of Syrians in Turkey
immigration detention, exclusion, deportation, borders, boundariesAbstract
Turkey has provided temporary protection status for the Syrian people, who were accepted by "open door policy" and sheltered as “guests” until the situation in Syria ameliorates. Temporary protection, a convenient tool to respond to the mass influx and provide protection while a permanent solution is sought, is indeed designed as an interim solution. After seven years of conflict, it can be assumed that peace and security cannot be established in Syria in a short period of time, as a consequence, Syrians shall continue staying in Turkey longer than anticipated. Therefore, congruent with the meaning of temporary protection status, it is time for Turkey to collaborate with international society in terms of burden-sharing on the one hand, to terminate temporary protection regime, and to determine its own strategies to provide permanent solution on the other.
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